Monday, February 1, 2010

Thing 4

I am generally not a blog commenter. I mean I occasionally leave a word here and there, but generally speaking, I don't often hit the comment button. As silly as it is, I never really thought about how nice it is to get a kind comment on something you wrote online, whether it's a blog post or a facebook posting, or anything else. And the two posts about how to comment to blogs really got me thinking: I guess I need to comment more on the blogs I read. I commented on a few of the blogs in our 23 Things community. It really does help complete the community circle.


  1. I've been thinking about this too. Recently, a few people with nothing to do with our school took time to comment on some of our blogs and it was such a generous thing for them to do that I want to pay it forward. I commented on a few sites today that were non-school related. I hope to keep it up.

  2. It is funny, I say things to myself when I read different blogs, it makes sense to leave a comment.

  3. In one online forum I belong to, I do a lot of commenting because I in some way "know" the people and have something to say. When I am reading a blog or forum that is new to me, like you, I don't generally comment. I think it is like the comfort level of speaking when around people we know vs. strangers.

  4. I also am like you. I usually don't comment unless I really know them.I am going to step out of that comfort zone. I have set up a blog with my third grade class this year, and I love to read their comments. Also, after setting up my blog on this, I have enjoyed reading comments.

  5. I find that if you have something to say, you should. People really like to hear what others think. I am still working on being a better participant and not staying on the sidelines.

  6. I agree...I tend to be more of a reader than one who comments, but I really enjoy reading responses posted to both my own blog and to others' blogs!
