Monday, February 8, 2010

Thing 10

I looked over a number of the mashups. I immediately liked the spell with Flickr one.

{4/365} S for Sarah chocolate letter O P black on gold H letter I A

letter J IMG_5574_3 IMG_5540 letter O n

So I spelled out my kids' names.
It was also fun to play around with colors on Flickr color Pickr.
The HousingMaps would have been really useful in combination with Zillow, which maps houses for sale on the regular lists with MLS numbers, which we used a lot when we were looking for houses last year.


  1. Nicely done, Robin. I like Spell it with Flickr myself. The banner for our 23 Things web site honors the concept of Spell it with Flickr.

  2. I am not looking for a house myself, but I wondered about the value of HousingMaps. It is good to know someone who has used it.
